
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Room 8 does Team Building

Room 8 does Team Building

Our class did Team Building. We had to build a pyramid out of plastic or paper cups. My team used plastic cups. We were learning how to work as a team.
Making the pyramid was hard, but we did it!
The people in my team were me (Beatrice), Keoni, Callum, Nelly, and, Jacob.

My team captain was Keoni. He was a great captain. 

When we finished building our pyramids, we read a poem about how a boss is different from a leader. My favorite sentence was: A boss demands respect. A leader earns and deserves respect. I like it because respect is one of the most important things in life. I think everyone deserves respect.

My team didn't win but we didn't care, at least we had fun. :)

Tip: If you had fun, you won. :-)


  1. Beatrice that does look like fun. It looks like you are not allowed to use your hands to build your pyramid. That makes the task a bit tricky and you need a lot of team work. Respect is a very important value. Your team may not have won but you did complete the task and had fun doing it.

  2. Wow Beatrice, your team showed great team work to complete the task. Listening to each other is an important part of team work and respect. I can't wait to do more team activities when we are back in class. What can you try at home in lock down?
